Ямар ч бэлтгэл, дүрэм журам байхгүй. Бүх шатанд бүх эрсдлийг тооцож тохирсон дүрэм журмыг боловсруулж ажиллах ёстой болохоос ковид илэрлээ гэхээр л сандарч тэвдээд, бүх хүний амьдралыг үймүүлж ийм...
Цааш унших
Ямар ч бэлтгэл, дүрэм журам байхгүй. Бүх шатанд бүх эрсдлийг тооцож тохирсон дүрэм журмыг боловсруулж ажиллах ёстой болохоос ковид илэрлээ гэхээр л сандарч тэвдээд, бүх хүний амьдралыг үймүүлж ийм...
Цааш уншихRecently, a new class of quantum magnets, the so-called breathing pyrochlore spin systems, have attracted much attention due to their potential to host …
Цааш уншихЭнэ үе шатанд ихэвчлэн amnesia дагалддаг. 3-4‰ – Дөрөв дэх зэрэг нь маш хэцүү байдаг. Хүн хөдөлж ярих чадваргүй. ... Хамгийн гол нь согтууруулах ундааны тухай журам дээрээ Цусан дахь спиртийн ...
Цааш унших70008045. 70007021 [email protected] Address: The Judicial General Council Building, Tasganii Ovoo, Chingeltei District -5th Khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Цааш уншихThe general formula of the pyrochlore-supergroup minerals is A 2 B 2 X 6 Y. The mineral names are composed of two prefixes and one root name (identical to the …
Цааш уншихАгуулга 2 Хайгуул ба олборлох үйл ажиллагааны нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн бодох стандартын зорилго ба хамрах хүрээ Уул уурхайн тухай, уул уурхайн үе шатууд Уул уурхайн салбарын үйл ажиллагааны болон нягтлан бодох
Цааш уншихpyrochlore: [noun] a brown or dark reddish mineral NaCaCb2O6F that is isomorphous with microlite and is an oxide and fluoride of sodium, calcium, and columbium.
Цааш уншихЖурам батлах тухай/Үр хөндөлтийг зохицуулах журам/ А/387: : Үзэх: Журам батлах тухай/Эрүүл мэндийн байгууллагуудад лавлагаа төвөөс цахимаар өгөх / А/385: : Үзэх
Цааш уншихPyrochlore has the generalized formula A 2–m B 2 X 6–w Y 1–n, where m, w and n refer to vacancies (Atencio et al., 2010). At St Honoré, the main A-site elements are Ca, Na, Fe, U, Sr, Th and the REE, and the main B-site elements are Nb, Ti, Si, Ta and Zr. Fluorine and OH are the main occupants of the Y-site.
Цааш унших2.2.5.8. албан хэрэг хөтлөлтийн шатанд хадгалагдаж байгаа баримтаас хуулбар олгох тохиолдолд "Хуулбар үнэн" тэмдэг (2 дугаар хавсралт) дарж, хариуцсан бүтцийн нэгжийн
Цааш уншихThis work reports on the dielectric and electrical properties of a single-phase polycrystalline pyrochlore structured Gd2Zr2O7 ceramics with a highly dense and compact microstructure. X-ray diffraction along with Raman spectroscopic studies confirmed the formation of the pyrochlore phase; while the electron microscopy investigations …
Цааш унших2. Experimental section2.1.Synthesis of Ln 2 Ru 2 O 7 pyrochlore oxides. Pyrochlore ruthenate Ln 2 Ru 2 O 7 samples were synthesized using a conventional sol-gel method. Typically, 0.5 mmol of Ln (NO 3) 3 ꞏ6H 2 O and 0.42 g (or 2 mmol) of citric acid were dissolved in 10 mL of DI water under vigorous stirring to form a clear solution. Then, …
Цааш уншихAll the synthesized powders exhibited a single pyrochlore phase with particle size depending on the Pr content. Powders with Pr content smaller than 25 mol% were nanometric. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis revealed a mixed oxidation state of both Pr and Ru, and a variation of the oxidation state of the elements in response …
Цааш уншихSimilar observations were detected using the ball milling technique for other materials [23,24,25].Abdolhoseinzadeh and Sheibani [] prepared a ball-milled Cu 2 O–ZnO nano-photocatalyst with good performance under visible light irradiation.They found that ball milling of Cu 2 O and the presence of ZnO improves electron transfer and suppresses …
Цааш уншихХалууралт: шат. халуурах хөгжлийн үндсэн гурван үе шатыг дамжин явдаг. Эхний - температур нэмэгдэх, хүн хоёр дахь - энэ нь зарим нэг удаа зохион байгуулж байгаа бөгөөд гурав дахь - аажмаар эх ...
Цааш уншихThe surprisingly complex array of prototypical pyrochlore behaviors we discovered in chromium spinels may inspire studies of transition paths between different …
Цааш уншихAcademic and industrial researchers working with pyrochlore materials need a fundamental understanding of what pyrochlores are and their potential applications. Pyrochlore Ceramics: Properties ...
Цааш уншихThe development of highly efficient photocatalysts for conversion of carbon dioxide (CO 2) with water (H 2 O) into chemical fuels is of great importance for energy sustainability and carbon resource utilization. Herein, we demonstrated a facile hydrothermal method for in situ construction of subnanometric Bi metallic clusters in …
Цааш уншихIn this article we provide some perspectives on a range of pyrochlore and defect fluorite type compounds with nominal A2B2O7, A2BO5, ABC2O7, and other stoichiometries. Typically, the phase transformations and stability fields in these systems are mapped as a function of the ionic radii of the A and B-site cations, e.g., the A/B …
Цааш уншихThe exceptional OER activity and stability of lead ruthenate pyrochlore catalysts were evaluated in a solid-state alkaline water electrolyzer. The overpotentials obtained were 0.1–0.2 V lower than for IrO 2 and the performance was stable for …
Цааш уншихNevertheless, the synthesis of high-entropy pyrochlore oxides containing up to 7 different cations has not been reported so far. Herein, we successfully synthesized a series of multicomponent, equiatomic single-phase, pyrochlore oxides via solid-state reaction. The phase composition, Raman spectroscopy, micro-scale EDS elemental …
Цааш уншихPyrochlore (Ca, Na)2Nb2O6(OH, F) c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1. Crystal Data: Cubic; typically metamict. Point Group: 4/m 3 2/m. Typically octahedra, …
Цааш уншихPyrochlore has a negative surface charge and zeta potential over a wide range of pH. The literature reports a variable isoelectric point from pH 1.8 to 3.1 and a zeta potential value reaching up to −60 mV above pH 9 [8], [12], [18], [31], [33]. Due to the wide range of pH in which pyrochlore surface is negatively charged, industrial flotation ...
Цааш уншихThe initial proposal 1 of quantum spin ice 2 behaviour in the pyrochlore Yb 2 Ti 2 O 7 has ignited a plethora of experimental and theoretical studies of Yb 3+ …
Цааш уншихpyrochlore, a complex oxide mineral [(Na, Ca) 2 Nb 2 O 6 (OH,F)] composed of niobium, sodium, and calcium that forms brown to black, glassy octahedral crystals and irregular …
Цааш уншихAs can be seen, the doped YZRO is composed of highly pure and crystalline nanoparticles with a pyrochlore oxide structure. The interlayer d–spacing of (400) and (311) crystal planes of the pyrochlore, shown in Fig. 3 c, are 0.246 and 0.301 nm, respectively. The HRTEM images of the undoped YRO pyrochlore are shown in Fig. S5.
Цааш уншихЦаг үеийн мэдээ Коронавируст халдвар (covid-19)-ын үед эмнэлгийн тусламжийн бэлэн байдлыг хангахад чиглэсэн заавар зөвлөмж Коронавируст халдвартай холбоотой журам, заавар Хүлээгдлийн мэдээ
Цааш унших